// JavaScript Document //Changes 2023 /* 1-30-24 AJ added expand-next-open 7-28-23 AJ changed expand/collapse span 5-4-23 AJ - added anchorSectionExpand 1-5-23 added comp hr pro script 8-18-23 PB - added title attribute to help center link */ //Global variables var userSelectedRegion; // accessMode will be in new theme at which time this should be removed var accessMode = document.getElementsByName('DCSext.accessMode')[0].getAttribute('content'); //this function checks if user is logged in function loggedIn() { var modArray = document.getElementsByName('DCSext.authStatus'); for (var i = 0; i < modArray.length; i++) { if (modArray[i].content == "Authenticated") { return true; } } } // To show help content in a modal (used for Total Perfomance transactions) // pzn component brings help content for all divs // this function is to show only the relevant one (eg setyourgaols) and hide others // this can be removed when business process page for TP is created function showHelpcontent(param, title) { var activediv = $("#" + param + "content"); $(activediv).show(); $(".modal-body").children().not($(activediv)).hide(); $("h2.tphelp-modalheader").text(title); $("#tpHelpcontent").modal('show'); // To show this content only for PO and IT regions in the Tot Perf help modals if ((userSelectedRegion == "Program Offices")||(userSelectedRegion == "KPIT")) { $(".tpcoordinatorlink").html("

Didn\'t find what you needed? Contact your Total Performance Coordinator for help.

"); } } /***********intercept which is theme code. when region is selected on intercept page , the region is updated in the header ************/ function updateAction() { // var target_url_ret = document.getElementById('target_url_ret'); //var target_url_ret = '/wps/portal/hr/home'; /* if ((document.referrer.indexOf('epf')>=0) ||(document.referrer.indexOf('myhr')>=0) || (document.referrer.indexOf('hrconnect')>=0)){ var target_url_ret = document.referrer; } else if (intAccess()) { var target_url_ret = '/wps/portal/hrpublic/home'; } else { var target_url_ret = '/wps/portal/hr/home'; } */ if ((document.referrer =='' )|| (document.referrer.indexOf('fam')>=0) || (document.referrer.indexOf('intercept_default')>=0) || (document.referrer.indexOf('google')>=0) || (document.referrer.indexOf('yahoo')>=0) ||(document.referrer.indexOf('bing')>=0) ){ if (intAccess()) { var target_url_ret = '/wps/portal/hrpublic/home'; } else { var target_url_ret = '/wps/portal/hr/home'; } } else { var target_url_ret = document.referrer; } console.log("target:" + target_url_ret); if (target_url_ret != null && target_url_ret.value != '') { // document.SelectRegionForm.action = target_url_ret.value; document.SelectRegionForm.action = target_url_ret } } function submitRegionForm() { updateAction(); } // Generic functions moved from Support JS - // generic function to render decision trees. There are a few in Support. // Other sections like OE, PMC and CW have to be remediated to use this function function decisiontreescripts() { $(".level1-choice").each(function(index) { $(this).click(function() { var thiselem = $(".level1-answer").eq(index); $(thiselem).show("slow"); $(".level1-answer").not($(thiselem)).hide("slow"); }); }); $(".level2-choice").each(function(index) { $(this).click(function() { var thiselem = $(".level2-answer").eq(index); $(thiselem).show("slow"); $(".level2-answer").not($(thiselem)).hide("slow"); }); }); $(".level3-choice").each(function(index) { $(this).click(function() { var thiselem = $(".level3-answer").eq(index); $(thiselem).show("slow"); $(".level3-answer").not($(thiselem)).hide("slow"); }); }); } // generic function that redirects user to page after sign on // used in Help and Commenting component function SignInY() { var fullurl = window.location.href; var l = fullurl.length; var hostname = "https://" + window.location.hostname; var i = hostname.length; var path = fullurl.substring(i, l); var loc = path.replace("/wps/portal", "/wps/myportal"); var urltoken = path.split("/wps/portal/hr/home") window.location.href = "/wps/hr/common/secure/login.jsp?uri=landingPage-" + urltoken[1]; } /***** ADDED: open psft transaction in new window *****/ function myhrOpenPage(url, width, height) { newWin = window.open(url, 'newWindow', 'location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=yes,width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ''); } /****** / open psft transaction in new window ******/ /****** Utility functions from util.js *******/ // This function checks if user is accessing the site from the Internet function intAccess() { var accArray = document.getElementsByName('DCSext.accessMode'); for (var i = 0; i < accArray.length; i++) { if (accArray[i].content == "internet") { return true; } } } // gup stands for Get Url Parameter. It is used to retrieve parameters // encoded in page url function gup(name) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]"); var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp(regexS); var results = regex.exec(window.location.href); if (results == null) return ""; else return results[1]; } // This function checks if the current env is Production (auth & prod) function isProd() { var domain = window.location.hostname; if ((domain.indexOf("epf.kp.org") != -1) || (domain.indexOf("epf-auth7.kp.org") != -1)) { return true; } } // this defines the ACA environments for use with FAM presentation template function FAMEnvironment() { var domain = window.location.hostname; var acaProdEnv = ['epf.kp.org', 'epf-auth7.kp.org', 'hrconnect.kp.org', 'hrconnect-auth.kp.org']; var nonACAProdEnv = ['epf-dr.kp.org']; var acaTestEnv = ['myhr-uat2.kp.org', 'myhr-uat3.kp.org', 'epf-uat7.kp.org', 'epf-qa7.kp.org']; var nonACATestEnv = ['myhr-qa.appl.kp.org']; if (acaProdEnv.indexOf(domain) != -1) { return 'isACA'; }else if (nonACAProdEnv.indexOf(domain) != -1) { return 'isNonACA'; }else if (acaTestEnv.indexOf(domain) != -1) { return 'isACATest'; }else if (nonACATestEnv.indexOf(domain) != -1) { return 'isNonACATest'; }else { alert("Not Defined"); } } // this defines the HCM Oracle and Peoplesoft environments for use with HCM Testing. // this should go away when HCM goes live and presentation will only use HCM link function isHCMEnvironment() { var domain = window.location.hostname; var OracleEnv = ['myhr-uat3.kp.org', 'hrconnect-uat3.kp.org', 'epf-qa7.kp.org', 'hrconnect-qa.kp.org', 'epf-load7.kp.org', 'hrconnect-load.kp.org', 'myhr-qa.kp.org', 'myhr-uat2.kp.org', 'hrconnect-uat2.kp.org', 'epf-uat7.kp.org', 'hrconnect-uat.kp.org', 'epf.kp.org', 'epf-auth7.kp.org', 'hrconnect-auth.kp.org', 'hrconnect.kp.org']; var PeoplesoftEnv = ['myhr-qa.appl.kp.org']; if (OracleEnv.indexOf(domain) != -1) { return 'isOracleEnv'; }else if (PeoplesoftEnv.indexOf(domain) != -1) { return 'isPeoplesoftEnv'; } } // this shows HCM links based on css style so that items can be presented in prod for HCM testing function showHCMLinks() { isHCMEnvironment(); var environment = isHCMEnvironment(); console.log(environment) if (environment=='isOracleEnv') { $(".hcm-link").show(); $(".non-hcm-link").hide(); }else if (environment=='isPeoplesoftEnv') { $(".non-hcm-link").show(); $(".hcm-link").hide(); } } // If qa7 or uat3, and MHS region ,show MHS logo function showMHSLogo(){ var hrConnectMHSLogo = '/wps/wcm/connect/3ce8e174-4e49-47f1-9574-dc01a2f74efb/KP-HRconnect-MHS-Color-RGB_Logo_New.png?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=ROOTWORKSPACE-3ce8e174-4e49-47f1-9574-dc01a2f74efb-o5vJMdm'; if(userSelectedRegion=="Maui Health System"){ $('.hr-logo').attr('src', hrConnectMHSLogo); } } showMHSLogo(); //This function cleans up specials characters in a url string function urlDecode(str) { str = str.replace(new RegExp('\\+', 'g'), ' '); return unescape(str); } // This function is used to validate email fields in forms. // This can be removed in the future since html5 forms have in-built validation function testEmail(src) { //var regex = /^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@([a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9.-]{2,4}$/; var regex = /^[-a-zA-Z0-9._\']+@kp.org$/; return regex.test(src); } // utility function to check if a string is 'like' another string String.prototype.like = function(search) { if ( typeof search !== 'string' || this === null) { return false; } // Remove special chars search = search.replace(new RegExp("([\\.\\\\\\+\\*\\?\\[\\^\\]\\$\\(\\)\\{\\}\\=\\!\\<\\>\\|\\:\\-])", "g"), "\\$1"); // Replace % and _ with equivalent regex search = search.replace(/%/g, '.*').replace(/_/g, '.'); // Check matches return RegExp('^' + search + '$', 'gi').test(this); } // utility function to check if a string contains another string String.prototype.contains = function(it) { return this.indexOf(it) != -1; }; // utility function to capitalize a string String.prototype.capitalize = function() { return this.replace(/(^|\s)([a-z])/g, function(m, p1, p2) { return p1 + p2.toUpperCase(); }); }; // utility function to count the number of occurrences of a parameter in a string String.prototype.count = function(c) { var result = 0, i = 0; for (i; i < this.length; i++) if (this[i] == c) result++; return result; }; // utility function to check if an Array contains a specific string or object Array.prototype.contains = function(it) { return this.indexOf(it) != -1; }; /****** / Utility functions from util.js******/ /********** Jquery UIpopup/modal *******/ $(document).ready(function() { // add title attribute to Help center link (#20115) $("#hrHelpLink a, #hrHelpLinkMobile a").attr("title","Contact Us & FAQs"); if (typeof intranetOnly !== 'undefined') { if (intranetOnly === 'yes' && accessMode === 'internet') {location.href= "/wps/poc?urile=wcm:path:/myhr/epfsite/InternetAccess";} } showHCMLinks(); //CompHRpro(); /******* network access function. Add class network-access to links where the content is available only on the intranet ******/ $(".network-access").click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (intAccess()) { // user is not in the network console.log("Internet"); window.open("/wps/poc?urile=wcm:path:/myhr/epfsite/InternetAccess"); //location.href= "/wps/poc?urile=wcm:path:/myhr/epfsite/InternetAccess"; } else { // user is in the network console.log("Intranet"); window.open($(this).attr("href")); //location.href= $(this).attr("href"); } }); /******* /network access function ******/ /******* HRPro Status ************/ if ((loggedIn())) { if (hrProStatus == "Yes") { $(".hrpro").show(); } } /****** HRPro and Manager************/ if ((loggedIn())) { if ((hrProStatus == "Yes") || (_kpIsManager=="Yes")) { $(".hrpro-manager").show(); } } /************ manager content show *************/ if ((loggedIn())) { if (_kpIsManager=="Yes") { $(".myhr-manager").show(); } } /************ /manager content show *************/ /******** update theme links to be trackable ******/ $(".header-links-nav").attr("id" , "themeHeaderLinks"); $("#hrMyProfileLink").addClass("wtlinktrack"); $("#hrHelpLink").addClass("wtlinktrack"); $("#hrHelpLinkMobile").addClass("wtlinktrack"); $("#hrSignoffLink").addClass("wtlinktrack"); $("#adminLinks").addClass( "wtlinktrack"); /******** /update theme links to be trackable ******/ /******** carousel indicators *********/ var imglength = $(".carousel-inner > .item").length var indicators = $(".carousel-indicators > li "); var index = 0; var showCarouselIndicators = function() { indicators.hide(); var noOfImages = index + imglength; indicators.slice(index, noOfImages).show(); } showCarouselIndicators(); /*********** Copy paste fuction *********/ $(document).on("click", ".copy-button", function() { var text = $(this).parents('.copy-paste').find('.copy-content').clone().find('br').prepend('\r\n').end().text() console.log("text:" + text); element = $('